Monday, March 12, 2007

Walking, Talking, Fortune Cookie

Okay so this Asian woman comes into my work the other day... this is not the start of a poorly-constructed racist joke. So she comes in an asks me for my help:

Woman: "Ca yu help meh?"

Me: "Of course."

Woman: "Oh tan yu. Yu soah kind."

Literally. This lady reeked Asian. Stereotypical mirror image of one. I almost thought she'd have fortune cookies in her purse or something. She did have one of those little change purses though. In which she had over $500.00 cash. She paid me in all pennies. Yes I'm exaggerating. But she did drop a penny under some of the racks and had me go get it for her.

Woman: "Eh wa a beeeg one! I sure! I sure!"

Me: "Oh it was just a penny."

Woman: "Oh, bu i's so shaaanny!"

This was our actual conversation.

As I was ringing her up, she looked at me and said:

Woman: "Yu so yung. Yu do greeea tings. Greaaaa tings! Yu so yung. So yung."

Me: Oh, thanks. I hope so.

Woman: "Yu go tu school?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm a freshman at Villa Julie."

Woman: "OH! GREAAA TINGS!!!"

Me: "We'll see."

Woman: "Wa chu doin hea? You beta dan dis."

Me: "Well, this was my first I'm just seeing where it takes me."

Woman: "Greaaa tings!"

Me: "Hope so. Have a nice day."

I swear. This woman was sooo Asian. lol I'm not racist. I just found it pretty funny. She was like a fortune teller or something. lol I thought she was gonna teach me some ancient secret before she left. Who knows...maybe she did.

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