Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

It's Sunday. And it's really really rainy. Some days the rain makes things just feel a lot better - like some kind of symbolic cleansing. Today it just feels wet and muddy. Maybe it's my mood. Maybe it's the world. Who knows. Either way, it's raining outside.

Not really in the mood to work today. (Am I ever really?) But again, it's good money. And that's all people seem to complain about these days, so I'll just suck it up and do it.

When I get home, I'll be working on a research paper that I've been putting off because I can't stand my English teacher. As you might well know if you keep up with these blogs. :-P Other than that, I'm hoping for a relaxing, and somewhat meloncoly, rainy evening.

Give me a call. This week needs to look brighter. Maybe that means you're included in it. Who knows...

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That's a lot of umbrellas.

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