Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I'm so bad at making big decisions. I like it when other people tell me the "best option" but then encourage me to make my own personal choice, when they know I'm gonna do whatever they say. Basically. But I'm in a bit of a perdicament right now... I wont go into the details.

There are so many different things I can do. And I don't want to do, or put up with, any of them. However, the issue is unavoidable, and if I'm going to do anything about it, it needs to be soon.

It's hard for me to not talk about it... but it's really just something I should keep to myself for right now.

Maybe I'll come out with all of it in the end (should everything work out okay...), but I definitely have my doubts. Which is why this is all making me upset to have to think about, consider, and have to come to a closure on.


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