Monday, May 14, 2007

Intro to Graphic Design: Day 1

So today was my first taste of my graphic design class for the May semester. It's only a 3 week course, and the class is every single day. Intense? We shall see.

In any case, I'm actually pretty excited about it. It's definitely in my field: photoshop, illustrator, and some other program I've only heard of. But I'm pretty good with photoshop, and I've briefly experimented with illustrator. So I really like the idea of all the design aspects and techniques involved in stuff.

The only let down, really, if I can call it one, is that only 2 students (including myself) are actually Mac users. Everyone else is new to it. It's not to say that it will take them long at all, but I was a little frustrated at the professor having to go through every little step to get through things. And then there's this girl next to me (here we go again...) who seems technology challenged. She kept hitting the "eject disc" button on the keyboard, and wondering why the disk drive opened every time she did. (Hmm...I wonder...)

Anyway, this won't be too bad, I hope. After this though, my summer is REALLY gonna start.

Someone take me to a party or something where I don't know anyone. lol I can get social pretty quick these days. ;-)

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