Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Driving in the city = Nightmare

Why is it that every single time I have to drive through the city I get lost somehow? I think I'm cursed. I don't know. You see a sign for the right street, but it kind of only hints at where you're going. When you stop seeing the signs for a while, you think something's wrong and turn a different way when you were on the right road the entire time.

They seriously need to be more clear with all that stuff. Or maybe I just need one of those built in computers for my car so that it just tells me where to go. I'd end up getting the one that screamed at me saying, "well, you're just screwed now. I can't help you." lol

I just don't know where I go wrong in the city. I'll see the right road, turn on it, and end up in some crappy part of the town where people try to get into my car and force drugs into my system. Just kidding. But I usually do end up in a crappy part of town, and once I had a prostitute try to get into my car with me. I ran a red light just to avoid that situation. Good thing my doors were locked. Sheesh.

I hate driving in the city. Maybe I'll figure it out one of these days...

For now I'm cursed.

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