...to write a 20 page research project.
Okay it's not 20 pages. But it sure as hell feels like that's what it's gonna be. But anyway...
I've barely had any time to breathe this week, let alone sit down and do research on a novel that I have to interpret and analyze. Did I mention that i haven't even fully read the novel??? Yeah...that'll be a setback. I should finish this week.
There's a draft workshop tomorrow, and I'm basically dreading it because I know that no matter what feedback I get on it, it'll probably pretty much stay in the condition that it is right now. Although, my final grade in the class is heavily dependent on the grade I get on this paper, so I might reconsider that aspect.
I'm running on a 12oz bottle of coke in my hand, and a bowl of quaker oats cereal in front of me to get through all this. The coke was a bad idea. I'm now totally wired and probably won't be getting any sleep tonight at all.
Did I also mention I have a test in Statistics tomorrow and it's now 1:00 in the morning? Yeah...I'm not doing so hot tonight, am I?
I better finish this... don't want to be up too late. Or should I say early... :-/
Gosh I'm so beat...
Research paper anyone???
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Peace of Mind
There have been a lot of things weighing into my stress levels lately: schoolwork, school in general, work in general, stuff going on at home, my social life, my family, etc. But I'm kind of getting that thinks will work out. I'm starting to understand that a lot of things going on in my life aren't worth worrying about.
This is how I've come to find a peace of mind I guess.
I started working out every day, I'm eating healthy, I'm getting out more, I'm doing the things that I want to do because I want to do them, and I'm kind of brushing off the "worry factor" for right now. Worrying is for people who are thousands of dollars in debt, with a mortgage payment, and a sucky job that they have to sit through just to get by. I'm not, and hopefully won't ever be one of those people. Knock on wood. Nah I'm pretty good with money, so the financial situation shouldn't be too much of a hassle for me in the future. I don't need much.
Other than that though, I'm starting to build personal self esteem. All this working out stuff makes me feel a lot better image wise, and I kind of hold myself to that. I'm not cocky, because I'm still pretty critical on myself. But I'm not exactly hanging my head in shame anymore. I kinda raise my chin a bit these days. I think to myself, "you know, it doesn't matter what they think. just be happy with yourself. And if that makes other people happy, awesome." I figure if I'm gonna mean anything to the world, I have to mean something to myself first. That's where I'm starting. Starting over, sort of.
I'm not changing anything about myself. Just my personal perception.
And with that, I've aquired a sense of peace. No more bummed out, bad mood, stressed out, worry driven me.
Now it's just me. Nice to meet you. :-)
This is how I've come to find a peace of mind I guess.
I started working out every day, I'm eating healthy, I'm getting out more, I'm doing the things that I want to do because I want to do them, and I'm kind of brushing off the "worry factor" for right now. Worrying is for people who are thousands of dollars in debt, with a mortgage payment, and a sucky job that they have to sit through just to get by. I'm not, and hopefully won't ever be one of those people. Knock on wood. Nah I'm pretty good with money, so the financial situation shouldn't be too much of a hassle for me in the future. I don't need much.
Other than that though, I'm starting to build personal self esteem. All this working out stuff makes me feel a lot better image wise, and I kind of hold myself to that. I'm not cocky, because I'm still pretty critical on myself. But I'm not exactly hanging my head in shame anymore. I kinda raise my chin a bit these days. I think to myself, "you know, it doesn't matter what they think. just be happy with yourself. And if that makes other people happy, awesome." I figure if I'm gonna mean anything to the world, I have to mean something to myself first. That's where I'm starting. Starting over, sort of.
I'm not changing anything about myself. Just my personal perception.
And with that, I've aquired a sense of peace. No more bummed out, bad mood, stressed out, worry driven me.
Now it's just me. Nice to meet you. :-)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I'm so bad at making big decisions. I like it when other people tell me the "best option" but then encourage me to make my own personal choice, when they know I'm gonna do whatever they say. Basically. But I'm in a bit of a perdicament right now... I wont go into the details.
There are so many different things I can do. And I don't want to do, or put up with, any of them. However, the issue is unavoidable, and if I'm going to do anything about it, it needs to be soon.
It's hard for me to not talk about it... but it's really just something I should keep to myself for right now.
Maybe I'll come out with all of it in the end (should everything work out okay...), but I definitely have my doubts. Which is why this is all making me upset to have to think about, consider, and have to come to a closure on.
There are so many different things I can do. And I don't want to do, or put up with, any of them. However, the issue is unavoidable, and if I'm going to do anything about it, it needs to be soon.
It's hard for me to not talk about it... but it's really just something I should keep to myself for right now.
Maybe I'll come out with all of it in the end (should everything work out okay...), but I definitely have my doubts. Which is why this is all making me upset to have to think about, consider, and have to come to a closure on.
Another Peeve
There are those people, everyone knows them, who LOVE the sound of their own voice. These people annoy me to no end. It's probably one of the most annoying things to me when people just talk to pleasure themselves. I was talking to this guy the other day, and all he did was talk about himself. I'm usually the kind of person who enjoys listening more than talking, but in this case I was pretty disgusted. He had this "high and mighty" tone too, where everything he said was an absolute truth or something. I like to listen to people, but not when they're extremely cocky or full of themselves. Any time I tried to have any input on the conversation, he overshadowed it with all these self-glorifying comments about himself. Drove me nuts.
So there's another peeve of mine. I like listening to intellect, but not cockyness. That's a total turn off. I don't talk to him much anymore. haha
So there's another peeve of mine. I like listening to intellect, but not cockyness. That's a total turn off. I don't talk to him much anymore. haha
"The Future Freaks Me Out"
I avoid the subject as much as possible. Thinking about it makes me nervous, and pretty uneasy. I think, "what if things would be better if I had only..." Fill in the blank. You think about your circumstances, and I feel like you could live any life if you're in the right place at the right time. I hate thinking like that because it's always leaving me with a question in my head: "What should I do, what should I say, and where should I be?"
Is it here? Would I be much better off somewhere else? The possibilities are endless. It makes it really hard to be content with where I am.
Don't get me wrong though, I enjoy the life I'm living, to a degree. But I'm always wondering what it could be like. How I could be living. Where. Etc.
Anyway... I've been thinking about my career options. It's hard to hone in on one specific job when you do so much. Not boasting. I just don't know what to do with myself, really. lol
That's pretty much why I'm so nervous about it. I don't want to "choose the wrong dooir."
I guess things sort themselves out in time, and I can't wait for closure on it. Although there's never really a closure about the future. So we'll see where things go. For now I'm freaking out about it.
Is it here? Would I be much better off somewhere else? The possibilities are endless. It makes it really hard to be content with where I am.
Don't get me wrong though, I enjoy the life I'm living, to a degree. But I'm always wondering what it could be like. How I could be living. Where. Etc.
Anyway... I've been thinking about my career options. It's hard to hone in on one specific job when you do so much. Not boasting. I just don't know what to do with myself, really. lol
That's pretty much why I'm so nervous about it. I don't want to "choose the wrong dooir."
I guess things sort themselves out in time, and I can't wait for closure on it. Although there's never really a closure about the future. So we'll see where things go. For now I'm freaking out about it.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
It Was the Worst of Times
I've been pretty bummed out lately. Whether I make false judgements, or I just feel like crap for saying something dumb, or maybe not saying anything at all when I want to. In any case I've been pretty hard on myself. Generally speaking I'm pretty sure that the people I'm feeling all this stuff toward don't share these thoughts, and may not even know that I'm having them. I've been having a lot of anxiety about it for some odd reason. I don't know... I keep feeling like I'm just not good enough, or that I'm just not... gahh I don't even know. What ever the case is, I know that it's just me being overly critical of myself. Someone really just needs to sit me down and say, "Hey. Chill. You're fine, and I'm fine with you. Don't beat yourself up over silly things." Because honestly, that's what I'm doing. I'm beating myself up over it. Not physically, obviously. I'm a sissy who throws a weak punch. Ask me about my middle school experience. haha
But really. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but if I get no reassurance, I go on thinking that I'm just a failure who doesn't ever know what to say or do. That's when I'll just back off all together. I hide away. And then the times I make an effort to say or do something, if I get a minimal response back, or none at all, I sink away further. Why? I'm insecure I guess... That's really my worst quality. Half the time I know that the other person has nothing against me. But then I'm always using the "what if's" against my situation and in favor of the worser option. Call me paranoid. I know.
I seriously need a vacation... someone tell me to snap out of it. I'm just so stressed out over everything, and it's all stuff I probably don't even need to worry about at all...I need a hug...maybe a neck rub...and a hot bath...
But really. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but if I get no reassurance, I go on thinking that I'm just a failure who doesn't ever know what to say or do. That's when I'll just back off all together. I hide away. And then the times I make an effort to say or do something, if I get a minimal response back, or none at all, I sink away further. Why? I'm insecure I guess... That's really my worst quality. Half the time I know that the other person has nothing against me. But then I'm always using the "what if's" against my situation and in favor of the worser option. Call me paranoid. I know.
I seriously need a vacation... someone tell me to snap out of it. I'm just so stressed out over everything, and it's all stuff I probably don't even need to worry about at all...I need a hug...maybe a neck rub...and a hot bath...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Oh Em Gee
I've been so annoyed at random people lately. People I don't even know. It's so weird. Usually I'm not so judgemental, but I feel like being picky and skeptical with everyone. Someone kept walking past me today wearing "swishy" pants, and she was wearing squeaky shoes. I hated her for it, basically. lol I don't know... I just felt like giving her this evil look of disgust. But I just turned up my ipod and ignored it. But it wasn't enough for her to just walk by once, she had to just keep passing me. Back and forth.
And that's not all either - there's this girl in my computer class. She sits right next to me, and she keeps on glancing over at my computer screen. It wouldn't bother me so much if she just asked me a question or something, but she just keeps looking over at what I'm doing. What I'm writing. Everything. Drives me crazy.
I'm just acting really paranoid lately. I think it has to do with morning classes. That or I'm just anxious for this semester to just end already.
And that's not all either - there's this girl in my computer class. She sits right next to me, and she keeps on glancing over at my computer screen. It wouldn't bother me so much if she just asked me a question or something, but she just keeps looking over at what I'm doing. What I'm writing. Everything. Drives me crazy.
I'm just acting really paranoid lately. I think it has to do with morning classes. That or I'm just anxious for this semester to just end already.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I've been so tired lately. I had a phone conversation today and all I could say was "huh?" "yeah" and "what?" I don't know... I almost felt like a stoner or something. Yeah, because I know how that feels, right? But no seriously. I've been so out of it. I blame it on the stress level. I'm thinking too much, and trying to fit everything in when I should just be relaxing. Who can relax when your final grade is at stake for one single test that'll define about half of it? I don't know why teachers do that. They set you up for a heart attack. Or a stroke. Either one, I'll probably get. Maybe i'll get both.
I'm so BEAT!!! I've been going to bed early like every single night. It's rediculous. I still wake up tired, take 2 hour naps, and go to bed early again. Craziness.
I need it to be summer...
I'm so BEAT!!! I've been going to bed early like every single night. It's rediculous. I still wake up tired, take 2 hour naps, and go to bed early again. Craziness.
I need it to be summer...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Shoes and Jewelry
Two of my greatest weaknesses: shoes, and jewelry. I see a pair of cute shoes, or a really pretty necklace, and I just melt. It's not really all that extreme, but sometimes I wish I had a ton of cash to blow on that kind of thing. I usually blow it on CDs, but other than that I'm a big saver. I make myself feel bad for indulging in things I want. I do, or my mom does. Either way, I'll end up feeling bad.
I was in Liz Claiborne the other day... big mistake. I saw these adorable flip-flop type dress shoes: they were turquoise with sequence lining the strap across the top. And they were $70.00. I don't know about you...but that's a little much for a "nice" pair of flip flops. Nice as they were, I wouldn't pay $70.00 for them. But they were amazing. I want them. I'm not all that big on feet - keep yours away from me. I don't mind my own though. Most of the time they look cute (to me anyway), but only because I take care of them, get pedicures, paint them with clear nailpolish, and clean them daily. I also like to fashion them, when I can, with cute shoes, like the ones at Liz's.
Jewelry is my other killer. I have a wall on the inside of my closet just lined with necklaces. I'm bigger on necklaces than with earrings, or bracelets, or anything. But I will wear them if they match the necklace I chose to wear that day. Either way, I love jewelry. I have lots of blues. They're my favorites. That's because blue is, of course, my favorite color.
Sometimes I'll take up making my own jewelry, but you'd be surprised at how much more expensive it is to try and make your own than it is to just buy something that looks like what you want. Granted, I have some good ideas when it comes to fashioning jewelry, but my ideas are pretty costly.
Either way, I love jewelry and shoes. I'm always asking for one or the other, or wanting one or the other. My closet is full of shoes, and the wall is covered in jewelry. Maybe when I figure out a better way to organize, I can expand.
Same with CDs. The top shelf in my closet is lined completely with CDs - all in alphabetical order, of course. And I have room for about maybe 5 or 6 more. That'll be like one trip to R&TT. haha
So now you know my obsessions.
I was in Liz Claiborne the other day... big mistake. I saw these adorable flip-flop type dress shoes: they were turquoise with sequence lining the strap across the top. And they were $70.00. I don't know about you...but that's a little much for a "nice" pair of flip flops. Nice as they were, I wouldn't pay $70.00 for them. But they were amazing. I want them. I'm not all that big on feet - keep yours away from me. I don't mind my own though. Most of the time they look cute (to me anyway), but only because I take care of them, get pedicures, paint them with clear nailpolish, and clean them daily. I also like to fashion them, when I can, with cute shoes, like the ones at Liz's.
Jewelry is my other killer. I have a wall on the inside of my closet just lined with necklaces. I'm bigger on necklaces than with earrings, or bracelets, or anything. But I will wear them if they match the necklace I chose to wear that day. Either way, I love jewelry. I have lots of blues. They're my favorites. That's because blue is, of course, my favorite color.
Sometimes I'll take up making my own jewelry, but you'd be surprised at how much more expensive it is to try and make your own than it is to just buy something that looks like what you want. Granted, I have some good ideas when it comes to fashioning jewelry, but my ideas are pretty costly.
Either way, I love jewelry and shoes. I'm always asking for one or the other, or wanting one or the other. My closet is full of shoes, and the wall is covered in jewelry. Maybe when I figure out a better way to organize, I can expand.
Same with CDs. The top shelf in my closet is lined completely with CDs - all in alphabetical order, of course. And I have room for about maybe 5 or 6 more. That'll be like one trip to R&TT. haha
So now you know my obsessions.
Monday, April 16, 2007
This morning, a man shot and killed about 30 people at Virginia Tech. The event occured 4 days before the anniversary of the Colombine Shootings. So sad... I remember going to some kind of conference thing where the father of one of the victims spoke. Brought me and many others to tears. But just thinking about the affect that this has on people, locally, nationally, globally, it's pretty mind boggling. You wonder if the guy behind it all is sitting in his grave laughing his head off thinking, "Yeah...I did that."
I'm really not sure what kind of mindset you'd have to be in to want to kill that many people, think there was no point in life, and then to just kill yourself afterward. I'd kill myself out of disgust. "Oh my god, what am I thinking? I don't deserve to live after this!" Then again, I would have to be totally possessed to do it in the first place. That said, I'd never do something like that. Let alone think to. It's pretty insane. So I guess that's what you'd have to be: insane!
Anyway... I think about what I'd do in a situation like that. I'd probably just freeze in shock and wonder, "wow someone's actually doing this." Or I'd scream my head off and get the hell out of there. I don't know... It seems so abnormal. So illogical. Just because I'm not used to it and can't imagine it ever actually happening to "me." You hear it all in the news, and on TV, and you're like, "What if that EVER happened here?" and then 2 seconds later you're like, "Nah...not possible." But it's like, it IS possible. And it's scary. Scary to think anybody would have the nerve to take fate into their own hands and be so selfish as to just take the lives of people they don't even know.
The other thing I hate, is thinking about how "30 were killed." You think about that number: 30. It doesn't seem tragic. You know why? It's because we're so used to headlines that say "Over 1,000 killed" or "10,000" or "100,000" if it's a war. And those numbers look tragic. So 30 gets kind of side shelved. I hate that. I think one person dead could be tragic. If I lost anyone close to me, friend, relative, whatever, I'd be so out of sorts. You think about one person close to you dying, and it's almost the end of the world. Well now think about 30 families. 30 moms or dads who have to find out that their son or daughter died. Their son or daughter got shot. Your best friend, your sister, your brother, your neighbor, anybody. Death is so much bigger than any of us really take it for. We play all these video games that make it look like a waste of time, or some kind of accomplishment. I don't know... Death is a natural thing, but not when it's murder. To take the life of another human being is to be a traitor to your own being. So yeah, I get pretty upset hearing stuff like this. Not because I relate, but because I feel sympathetic. I consider all the aspects of that kind of thing, and relate it to here and now. Virginia isn't that far from here.
It makes me appreciate everyone around me. My friends, my family, everybody. You're just thankful to be alive. For a person who's always thinking in worst case scenario, these events just fuel the fire. That said, I think everyone should take note of everything that happened this morning, and maybe reflect it on themselves. Just be thankful.
I'm really not sure what kind of mindset you'd have to be in to want to kill that many people, think there was no point in life, and then to just kill yourself afterward. I'd kill myself out of disgust. "Oh my god, what am I thinking? I don't deserve to live after this!" Then again, I would have to be totally possessed to do it in the first place. That said, I'd never do something like that. Let alone think to. It's pretty insane. So I guess that's what you'd have to be: insane!
Anyway... I think about what I'd do in a situation like that. I'd probably just freeze in shock and wonder, "wow someone's actually doing this." Or I'd scream my head off and get the hell out of there. I don't know... It seems so abnormal. So illogical. Just because I'm not used to it and can't imagine it ever actually happening to "me." You hear it all in the news, and on TV, and you're like, "What if that EVER happened here?" and then 2 seconds later you're like, "Nah...not possible." But it's like, it IS possible. And it's scary. Scary to think anybody would have the nerve to take fate into their own hands and be so selfish as to just take the lives of people they don't even know.
The other thing I hate, is thinking about how "30 were killed." You think about that number: 30. It doesn't seem tragic. You know why? It's because we're so used to headlines that say "Over 1,000 killed" or "10,000" or "100,000" if it's a war. And those numbers look tragic. So 30 gets kind of side shelved. I hate that. I think one person dead could be tragic. If I lost anyone close to me, friend, relative, whatever, I'd be so out of sorts. You think about one person close to you dying, and it's almost the end of the world. Well now think about 30 families. 30 moms or dads who have to find out that their son or daughter died. Their son or daughter got shot. Your best friend, your sister, your brother, your neighbor, anybody. Death is so much bigger than any of us really take it for. We play all these video games that make it look like a waste of time, or some kind of accomplishment. I don't know... Death is a natural thing, but not when it's murder. To take the life of another human being is to be a traitor to your own being. So yeah, I get pretty upset hearing stuff like this. Not because I relate, but because I feel sympathetic. I consider all the aspects of that kind of thing, and relate it to here and now. Virginia isn't that far from here.
It makes me appreciate everyone around me. My friends, my family, everybody. You're just thankful to be alive. For a person who's always thinking in worst case scenario, these events just fuel the fire. That said, I think everyone should take note of everything that happened this morning, and maybe reflect it on themselves. Just be thankful.
The Plan
So the plan is to go on a road trip this summer across the United States. Starting point will be Delaware, and we'll end up somewhere in California. We're gonna stop at every state, take pictures at every state sign, and everywhere else for that matter, and just have a good time.
If all things work out though, I may end up playing a few shows with Adam along the way. That's in the mix of our thinking. But yeah...
Very very exciting. I can't wait. The "plan" is to go some time in July. It'll be like a 2 week trip or something. And we'll sleep in the car at all the parking lots to 24 hour Wal*Marts. Well, hopefully not. But if it comes down to being short on cash, that'll be in the mix as well. Either way, I'm excited. :-)
There will be millions of pictures, and possibly a documentary. I shall keep you posted.
If all things work out though, I may end up playing a few shows with Adam along the way. That's in the mix of our thinking. But yeah...
Very very exciting. I can't wait. The "plan" is to go some time in July. It'll be like a 2 week trip or something. And we'll sleep in the car at all the parking lots to 24 hour Wal*Marts. Well, hopefully not. But if it comes down to being short on cash, that'll be in the mix as well. Either way, I'm excited. :-)
There will be millions of pictures, and possibly a documentary. I shall keep you posted.
Bad Ethics make for Good Days
I decided for the second time to skip out on my English Class. I made sure I had every assignment in that needed to be in and everything. There's really not too much reason for me not to go to this class, but some days, like today, I just don't feel like dealing with this teacher. Especially not with her methods. This'll be the last time though, because I can't miss more than 3 or my final grade will suffer. Plus I have a lot coming up in this class that I won't be able to afford missing.
However, I can afford to miss this class. So I think I will. :-)
I'm skipping my computer class before it also, but I've been to every class in there so I won't be missing a whole lot. Whatever. I wanted time to study for my Stat quiz later on today. Plus I have a project in my Management course I need to work on. I'm making a DVD and filming stuff for it. So that'll take a lot out of me.
This is me reassuring myself that it's "okay" to skip out on class every now and again. This is my again, so I won't be able to do much of it anymore. There's my reassurance. "Never again" - lol I had "Mental Health Days" back in high school, so I'll consider this one of them. ;-)
However, I can afford to miss this class. So I think I will. :-)
I'm skipping my computer class before it also, but I've been to every class in there so I won't be missing a whole lot. Whatever. I wanted time to study for my Stat quiz later on today. Plus I have a project in my Management course I need to work on. I'm making a DVD and filming stuff for it. So that'll take a lot out of me.
This is me reassuring myself that it's "okay" to skip out on class every now and again. This is my again, so I won't be able to do much of it anymore. There's my reassurance. "Never again" - lol I had "Mental Health Days" back in high school, so I'll consider this one of them. ;-)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Text Messages
I'm not quite sure what it is: the annoying, one toned sound alert of them, or the mystery behind the sender of the message, but whatever it is, I love text messages. They just make me excited because it's like, "aww someone paid .05 cents just to send me a message." lol Maybe not like that. But I always find them thoughtful no matter how casual, or rediculous they may be.
What I like most is probably waking up to one on my cell. Generally I wake up to them if I get one really late, because I'm a light sleeper. But other times when I'm just dead, I won't wake up. So I like waking up to that "1 New Msg" screen on my cell phone. Something about them always just brightens my day.
Feel like brightening someone elses day? Send them a text message. Random or stupid. Just do it. I send people silly random texts all the time because I think lots of people probably think the way that I do about them.
Not a big deal, really, but they do make me smile. :-)
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
It's Sunday. And it's really really rainy. Some days the rain makes things just feel a lot better - like some kind of symbolic cleansing. Today it just feels wet and muddy. Maybe it's my mood. Maybe it's the world. Who knows. Either way, it's raining outside.
Not really in the mood to work today. (Am I ever really?) But again, it's good money. And that's all people seem to complain about these days, so I'll just suck it up and do it.
When I get home, I'll be working on a research paper that I've been putting off because I can't stand my English teacher. As you might well know if you keep up with these blogs. :-P Other than that, I'm hoping for a relaxing, and somewhat meloncoly, rainy evening.
Give me a call. This week needs to look brighter. Maybe that means you're included in it. Who knows...

That's a lot of umbrellas.
Not really in the mood to work today. (Am I ever really?) But again, it's good money. And that's all people seem to complain about these days, so I'll just suck it up and do it.
When I get home, I'll be working on a research paper that I've been putting off because I can't stand my English teacher. As you might well know if you keep up with these blogs. :-P Other than that, I'm hoping for a relaxing, and somewhat meloncoly, rainy evening.
Give me a call. This week needs to look brighter. Maybe that means you're included in it. Who knows...
That's a lot of umbrellas.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Tonight I went and saw Disturbia. It was basically one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. I was on the edge of my seat almost the entire time. I won't call it a great story line, but in terms of a good scare, this one topped a lot of other scary movies that I've seen in the past. Didn't pass Saw. That one was amazing. Still scares the hell out of me. But anyway...
The one major plot element that was really missing from the story was the motivation behind the killing. Why did the neighbor just randomly decide, "Hey it would be pretty cool to shove these women into house walls and preserve decaying flesh." I hope I'm not giving too much away here. Haha It was really just a let down to not see why the killer was as "posessed" as he was. And then his methods were a little vague. We never really found out how he did what he did. Let alone why.
Overall though it was really really scary. Maybe I'm just a wuss though. Wait, of course I'm a wuss! lol But yeah...I was totally clinging to Katie's arm the entire time.
The audience was pretty cool. They all clapped when "this one dude" died. :-X I didn't tell you ANYTHING.
PS - Shia LaBouf didn't do so shabby either. I was actually expecting worse.
The one major plot element that was really missing from the story was the motivation behind the killing. Why did the neighbor just randomly decide, "Hey it would be pretty cool to shove these women into house walls and preserve decaying flesh." I hope I'm not giving too much away here. Haha It was really just a let down to not see why the killer was as "posessed" as he was. And then his methods were a little vague. We never really found out how he did what he did. Let alone why.
Overall though it was really really scary. Maybe I'm just a wuss though. Wait, of course I'm a wuss! lol But yeah...I was totally clinging to Katie's arm the entire time.
The audience was pretty cool. They all clapped when "this one dude" died. :-X I didn't tell you ANYTHING.
PS - Shia LaBouf didn't do so shabby either. I was actually expecting worse.
Third Wheel
I really don't like the feeling. I've had a few really big encounters where that was me. The third wheel. The extra space. The unwanted baggage. You get the idea.
I remember in middle school when my best friend got her first boyfriend. Suddenly, I didn't even exist. I would call, but the line would be busy. I would write to her, (yeah, in those days I wrote letters) but she'd never respond to them. And when I saw her anywhere, she was with him and it would be a casual not spectacular "Hey hows it going? We should hang out some time." I'd just smile and say "Yeah that sound good." And that would be all. She wouldn't call. Wouldn't write. Wouldn't take any initiative over what I had already done. You know why? Because she was popular. She had a boyfriend and couldn't waste precious time away from him to spend time with her best friend. Am I still bitter? No...not really. But I did learn something about it. I'm never going to ditch friends for some guy. I'll totally spend time with him, but I would never compromise a friendship for one. That would be stupid.
I guess my point in all this is that being a third wheel is no fun. You can say I've pretty much always been or felt like one. Right now, I feel like one. I won't go into details... but just know that blowing people off is never a good idea, and it always has someone feeling lonely or like they're a third wheel. Anyway... Maybe i'll aim for 4th wheel instead. 4 is my favorite number, and 3 is just odd.

I've never seen this movie, but now I'm thinking I should. lol
I remember in middle school when my best friend got her first boyfriend. Suddenly, I didn't even exist. I would call, but the line would be busy. I would write to her, (yeah, in those days I wrote letters) but she'd never respond to them. And when I saw her anywhere, she was with him and it would be a casual not spectacular "Hey hows it going? We should hang out some time." I'd just smile and say "Yeah that sound good." And that would be all. She wouldn't call. Wouldn't write. Wouldn't take any initiative over what I had already done. You know why? Because she was popular. She had a boyfriend and couldn't waste precious time away from him to spend time with her best friend. Am I still bitter? No...not really. But I did learn something about it. I'm never going to ditch friends for some guy. I'll totally spend time with him, but I would never compromise a friendship for one. That would be stupid.
I guess my point in all this is that being a third wheel is no fun. You can say I've pretty much always been or felt like one. Right now, I feel like one. I won't go into details... but just know that blowing people off is never a good idea, and it always has someone feeling lonely or like they're a third wheel. Anyway... Maybe i'll aim for 4th wheel instead. 4 is my favorite number, and 3 is just odd.
I've never seen this movie, but now I'm thinking I should. lol
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Senior Week - And I'm a Freshman
In college that is.
One of my best friends, well no...she is my best friend. Haha I probably confide in her more than anybody else. But anyway, she invited me to come on senior week with her and her friends. I'm not sure whether or not I can go yet, but I'm hoping to convince my parents to let me. (Despite the amount of alcohol that will be consumed there)
I'm really looking forward to it though, assuming I'll be able to go. It's gonna be from June 16th to the 23rd. They had a townhouse blocks from the beach with a pool in the backyard. Sounds like a sweet deal to me. :-)
Should I go, it should be some crazy good fun. Can't wait.
One of my best friends, well no...she is my best friend. Haha I probably confide in her more than anybody else. But anyway, she invited me to come on senior week with her and her friends. I'm not sure whether or not I can go yet, but I'm hoping to convince my parents to let me. (Despite the amount of alcohol that will be consumed there)
I'm really looking forward to it though, assuming I'll be able to go. It's gonna be from June 16th to the 23rd. They had a townhouse blocks from the beach with a pool in the backyard. Sounds like a sweet deal to me. :-)
Should I go, it should be some crazy good fun. Can't wait.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Jimmy Eat World: Totally the Greatest Band EVER
Jimmy Eat World has been my favorite band for about 9 years now. I love them. Their sound is always so refreshing to me, and the songs and lyrics are just amazing. Love it. They really need to come to the US and tour here soon... I'm getting really really anxious to see them live. Videos like this one just reinforce the desire:
But anyway... I was actually asking people to go to Germany with me to see them on the 20th. Obviously that isn't gonna happen, but the prospect was pretty exhilarating. lol Plus the drinking age there is what, 16? lol jk...
But yeah. Jimmy Eat World will always be my favorite band ever. They never do me wrong. :-)
But anyway... I was actually asking people to go to Germany with me to see them on the 20th. Obviously that isn't gonna happen, but the prospect was pretty exhilarating. lol Plus the drinking age there is what, 16? lol jk...
But yeah. Jimmy Eat World will always be my favorite band ever. They never do me wrong. :-)
Work Work Work
And more work.
I've been taking a lot of hours lately. Not really complaining much, because it's good money. But I don't care all that much about money... I just hear too much about it to not care. That's all I ever hear about, really. Scholarships, taxes, bills, whatever else. I hate money. Root of all evil is right. I hate what it does to people though. They go out of their way to make an extra buck, they're cheap when they're shopping, they cringe any time the gas prices go up, but I kind of let it slide off my shoulder. All with a grain of salt naturally, but I really don't want money to run my life. I want to run my life. That's not really all that feasible though now is it?
But anyway...
All I hear about is money. Just complaints most of the time. They only good thing I heard about money that I remember was pertaining to the check I received from an insurance company after someone crashed into me. And that was the ONLY instance I recall in the past few months or so. That said I started taking on my own bills and stuff. Gas, food, clothes, etc. I don't even ask (much) anymore. Sometimes they'll offer, and I'll refuse. But other times I can't resist, or I'm desperate.
I kinda get frustrated though any time my mom tells me to stop spending my money on "frivilous things." The only thing I ever buy myself anymore is CDs. I don't lavish in expensive clothing or other luxuries at all. It's Cds, and gas. That's ALL. Basically... Maybe when I go out to eat sometimes I'll use it... but not much other than that. So when she tells me to stop "wasting my money" I get a little ticked off. But it passes. I figure, "I'm making the money, I'm gonna spend it." Again, I don't go out wondering, "hm what should I spend my money on today??" I have a list of Cds I want, and I only buy like one or two when I go. And gas is pretty hefty these days. So yeah. I'm not a big spender. I save a LOT. That's how I have a lot right now. I'll hopefully be investing in a car sometime soon. My mom wants the Jimmy to last me to the end of college. Cha right. That's what I have to say to that. haha
Other than that I'm getting in as many hours as possible right now, and saving "almost" every penny I earn. I need a vacation...
I've been taking a lot of hours lately. Not really complaining much, because it's good money. But I don't care all that much about money... I just hear too much about it to not care. That's all I ever hear about, really. Scholarships, taxes, bills, whatever else. I hate money. Root of all evil is right. I hate what it does to people though. They go out of their way to make an extra buck, they're cheap when they're shopping, they cringe any time the gas prices go up, but I kind of let it slide off my shoulder. All with a grain of salt naturally, but I really don't want money to run my life. I want to run my life. That's not really all that feasible though now is it?
But anyway...
All I hear about is money. Just complaints most of the time. They only good thing I heard about money that I remember was pertaining to the check I received from an insurance company after someone crashed into me. And that was the ONLY instance I recall in the past few months or so. That said I started taking on my own bills and stuff. Gas, food, clothes, etc. I don't even ask (much) anymore. Sometimes they'll offer, and I'll refuse. But other times I can't resist, or I'm desperate.
I kinda get frustrated though any time my mom tells me to stop spending my money on "frivilous things." The only thing I ever buy myself anymore is CDs. I don't lavish in expensive clothing or other luxuries at all. It's Cds, and gas. That's ALL. Basically... Maybe when I go out to eat sometimes I'll use it... but not much other than that. So when she tells me to stop "wasting my money" I get a little ticked off. But it passes. I figure, "I'm making the money, I'm gonna spend it." Again, I don't go out wondering, "hm what should I spend my money on today??" I have a list of Cds I want, and I only buy like one or two when I go. And gas is pretty hefty these days. So yeah. I'm not a big spender. I save a LOT. That's how I have a lot right now. I'll hopefully be investing in a car sometime soon. My mom wants the Jimmy to last me to the end of college. Cha right. That's what I have to say to that. haha
Other than that I'm getting in as many hours as possible right now, and saving "almost" every penny I earn. I need a vacation...
Monday, April 9, 2007
Fall Semester
This upcoming semester should prove to be a good one. I'll only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so the rest of my weeks will be completely free!!! HA I wish. I'll be working all the other days. But I figure that'll work out pretty well. I'm excited to have Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays free.
Call me!
Call me!
Friday, April 6, 2007
I don't see enough of...
my friends.
This is getting old! I spend way too much time cooped up inside my own house, in my room, on my computer. Hence all the blog entries, and excessive time spent on myspace and downloading songs. :-P
I work too much too...well, not really. It's all right. Works getting better actually. We have a lot of incentives coming up - if we make sales for this week, which we are by like $5,000, then we all get $50.00 cash! which is awesome. Because I never have cash.
But that's beside the point. I'm going to have to start actually calling people. I'm generally not one to call my friends... which thinking about it now, I don't understand why I don't. Because I love it when other people call me, so why wouldn't they want me to ever call them? lol But yeah...I would always assume, "well if they're available, they'll call me." But what if they're all thinking the same thing?
I'll try to initiate more. I'm getting better at it. But I get so darn bored!!! It's nutty. I miss my friends. :-(
Call me. Or tell me to call you! haha
This is getting old! I spend way too much time cooped up inside my own house, in my room, on my computer. Hence all the blog entries, and excessive time spent on myspace and downloading songs. :-P
I work too much too...well, not really. It's all right. Works getting better actually. We have a lot of incentives coming up - if we make sales for this week, which we are by like $5,000, then we all get $50.00 cash! which is awesome. Because I never have cash.
But that's beside the point. I'm going to have to start actually calling people. I'm generally not one to call my friends... which thinking about it now, I don't understand why I don't. Because I love it when other people call me, so why wouldn't they want me to ever call them? lol But yeah...I would always assume, "well if they're available, they'll call me." But what if they're all thinking the same thing?
I'll try to initiate more. I'm getting better at it. But I get so darn bored!!! It's nutty. I miss my friends. :-(
Call me. Or tell me to call you! haha
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
More Updates
Here are a few random updates in the way my life is going right now...because it's hard to keep up with me for anything.
*I'm bringing my grades up! Yay! Might get that 3.0 I needed to keep one of the scholarships I have - requires atleast a 3.0, and im at a 2.8 right now. That's the worst I've done in my entire life. Makes me feel awful. But it's not as big a deal to me as it should be I guess... Refer to "The World Revolves Around Money" for that topic.
*I started recording again, and it's going pretty well. Atleast for my level of understanding and being able to record. Especially with drums. Haha
*Easter Break starts on Thursday. Technically after my last class tomorrow though. So that's exciting.
*I'll be spending my entire break working. Except for Saturday and Sunday. I'm off those two days. Considering a beach trip, but I doubt I'll be able to. Too much prep stuff for Easter Sunday.
*Seeing all my relatives and family I hardly ever see on Sunday, and going to the Easter Musical on Sunday night.
*Concert coming up in May! Hot Rod Circuit! Woo!
*I can't remember whether or not my Statistics class is cancelled tomorrow or not... I guess I should find that out.
*Working on a really big research paper that my English grade depends on basically. I hope I do well on it. Parents are hounding me about my grades. They're just concerned, but it makes me paranoid, and nervous.
*My English professor is really really lame. Before we turned in our first assignment, she told us we'd be able to re-write it. After a conference with her the other day, she told me that I'd only be able to raise my C- (my grade on the paper) to a B+. Not bad, but it made me think there was no way possible that I could achieve an "A" status in her eyes. How gay is that? It's like she was setting me up for disappointment. So I thought that was pretty stupid. If I'm able to re-write it, there should be some point to where it's "A" quality. Am I right? Wouldn't that make her grading off? I don't know... I think the whole thing is just gay.
*I don't see enough of my friends. I should start calling people. :-P
*I often wonder how the world would change if one color was missing. What if green just wasn't there? What if it stopped being a color?
*I still don't want to ever be really really old.
*Nutter Butters are officially my favorite cookie.
*Still looking for options for a new job. Suggestions?
*Posted a new song on my website - www.myspace.com/abbyfisher
*The old cat is dying. We think. :-/
*I can't wait to move out. And graduate.
*I get frustrated when my voice doesn't sound the way I want it to. I don't have a forceful voice and it makes me angry sometimes... In the middle of a recording, I just got annoyed and threw the mic on the floor. It's a computer mic, don't worry. lol
*Still looking for a new car.
*Got my tax refund today. It was about $400.00. That was cool.
*I need to buy more CDs - the list has become a book, and it makes me anxious. haha
*I love text messages
*That's all for now.
*I'm bringing my grades up! Yay! Might get that 3.0 I needed to keep one of the scholarships I have - requires atleast a 3.0, and im at a 2.8 right now. That's the worst I've done in my entire life. Makes me feel awful. But it's not as big a deal to me as it should be I guess... Refer to "The World Revolves Around Money" for that topic.
*I started recording again, and it's going pretty well. Atleast for my level of understanding and being able to record. Especially with drums. Haha
*Easter Break starts on Thursday. Technically after my last class tomorrow though. So that's exciting.
*I'll be spending my entire break working. Except for Saturday and Sunday. I'm off those two days. Considering a beach trip, but I doubt I'll be able to. Too much prep stuff for Easter Sunday.
*Seeing all my relatives and family I hardly ever see on Sunday, and going to the Easter Musical on Sunday night.
*Concert coming up in May! Hot Rod Circuit! Woo!
*I can't remember whether or not my Statistics class is cancelled tomorrow or not... I guess I should find that out.
*Working on a really big research paper that my English grade depends on basically. I hope I do well on it. Parents are hounding me about my grades. They're just concerned, but it makes me paranoid, and nervous.
*My English professor is really really lame. Before we turned in our first assignment, she told us we'd be able to re-write it. After a conference with her the other day, she told me that I'd only be able to raise my C- (my grade on the paper) to a B+. Not bad, but it made me think there was no way possible that I could achieve an "A" status in her eyes. How gay is that? It's like she was setting me up for disappointment. So I thought that was pretty stupid. If I'm able to re-write it, there should be some point to where it's "A" quality. Am I right? Wouldn't that make her grading off? I don't know... I think the whole thing is just gay.
*I don't see enough of my friends. I should start calling people. :-P
*I often wonder how the world would change if one color was missing. What if green just wasn't there? What if it stopped being a color?
*I still don't want to ever be really really old.
*Nutter Butters are officially my favorite cookie.
*Still looking for options for a new job. Suggestions?
*Posted a new song on my website - www.myspace.com/abbyfisher
*The old cat is dying. We think. :-/
*I can't wait to move out. And graduate.
*I get frustrated when my voice doesn't sound the way I want it to. I don't have a forceful voice and it makes me angry sometimes... In the middle of a recording, I just got annoyed and threw the mic on the floor. It's a computer mic, don't worry. lol
*Still looking for a new car.
*Got my tax refund today. It was about $400.00. That was cool.
*I need to buy more CDs - the list has become a book, and it makes me anxious. haha
*I love text messages
*That's all for now.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Top 5 Favorite Bands
1) Jimmy Eat World
-Favorite Album: Clarity
2) John Mayer
-Favorite Album: Continuum
3) The Ataris
-Favorite Album: Welcome the Night
4) The Beatles
-Favorite Album: Abbey Road and Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
5) Elliott Smith
-Favorite Album: XO
-Favorite Album: Clarity
2) John Mayer
-Favorite Album: Continuum
3) The Ataris
-Favorite Album: Welcome the Night
4) The Beatles
-Favorite Album: Abbey Road and Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
5) Elliott Smith
-Favorite Album: XO
Elliott Smith,
Jimmy Eat World,
John Mayer,
The Ataris,
The Beatles
Sunday, April 1, 2007
New job? Possibly...
So I've recently been debating on whether or not I want to start looking for a new job. For the life of me I couldn't think of somewhere else to work. Well, I could... but none that I thought would really be worth my experience. Then it hit me.
I love animals!
So we'll see. I thought that sounded like fun. Handling puppies and kittens all day? What wouldn't be fantastic about that job? lol
Anyway, like I said, we'll see. I need to find out a lot more about the job details and pay and everything. I had a friend who worked there about 2 years ago, and she said it was so fun and the pay was decent. I don't know yet though. My job right now seems so steady. I have good hours, and GREAT pay. I'm just wondering what else is out there.
I think I need to build up my resume a bit more than working over a year at an underwear store - even if I am a manager. :-P
We'll see.
I love animals!
So we'll see. I thought that sounded like fun. Handling puppies and kittens all day? What wouldn't be fantastic about that job? lol
Anyway, like I said, we'll see. I need to find out a lot more about the job details and pay and everything. I had a friend who worked there about 2 years ago, and she said it was so fun and the pay was decent. I don't know yet though. My job right now seems so steady. I have good hours, and GREAT pay. I'm just wondering what else is out there.
I think I need to build up my resume a bit more than working over a year at an underwear store - even if I am a manager. :-P
We'll see.
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