I remember in middle school when my best friend got her first boyfriend. Suddenly, I didn't even exist. I would call, but the line would be busy. I would write to her, (yeah, in those days I wrote letters) but she'd never respond to them. And when I saw her anywhere, she was with him and it would be a casual not spectacular "Hey hows it going? We should hang out some time." I'd just smile and say "Yeah that sound good." And that would be all. She wouldn't call. Wouldn't write. Wouldn't take any initiative over what I had already done. You know why? Because she was popular. She had a boyfriend and couldn't waste precious time away from him to spend time with her best friend. Am I still bitter? No...not really. But I did learn something about it. I'm never going to ditch friends for some guy. I'll totally spend time with him, but I would never compromise a friendship for one. That would be stupid.
I guess my point in all this is that being a third wheel is no fun. You can say I've pretty much always been or felt like one. Right now, I feel like one. I won't go into details... but just know that blowing people off is never a good idea, and it always has someone feeling lonely or like they're a third wheel. Anyway... Maybe i'll aim for 4th wheel instead. 4 is my favorite number, and 3 is just odd.
I've never seen this movie, but now I'm thinking I should. lol
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