Saturday, April 14, 2007


Tonight I went and saw Disturbia. It was basically one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. I was on the edge of my seat almost the entire time. I won't call it a great story line, but in terms of a good scare, this one topped a lot of other scary movies that I've seen in the past. Didn't pass Saw. That one was amazing. Still scares the hell out of me. But anyway...

The one major plot element that was really missing from the story was the motivation behind the killing. Why did the neighbor just randomly decide, "Hey it would be pretty cool to shove these women into house walls and preserve decaying flesh." I hope I'm not giving too much away here. Haha It was really just a let down to not see why the killer was as "posessed" as he was. And then his methods were a little vague. We never really found out how he did what he did. Let alone why.

Overall though it was really really scary. Maybe I'm just a wuss though. Wait, of course I'm a wuss! lol But yeah...I was totally clinging to Katie's arm the entire time.

The audience was pretty cool. They all clapped when "this one dude" died. :-X I didn't tell you ANYTHING.

PS - Shia LaBouf didn't do so shabby either. I was actually expecting worse.

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