I've been taking a lot of hours lately. Not really complaining much, because it's good money. But I don't care all that much about money... I just hear too much about it to not care. That's all I ever hear about, really. Scholarships, taxes, bills, whatever else. I hate money. Root of all evil is right. I hate what it does to people though. They go out of their way to make an extra buck, they're cheap when they're shopping, they cringe any time the gas prices go up, but I kind of let it slide off my shoulder. All with a grain of salt naturally, but I really don't want money to run my life. I want to run my life. That's not really all that feasible though now is it?
But anyway...
All I hear about is money. Just complaints most of the time. They only good thing I heard about money that I remember was pertaining to the check I received from an insurance company after someone crashed into me. And that was the ONLY instance I recall in the past few months or so. That said I started taking on my own bills and stuff. Gas, food, clothes, etc. I don't even ask (much) anymore. Sometimes they'll offer, and I'll refuse. But other times I can't resist, or I'm desperate.
I kinda get frustrated though any time my mom tells me to stop spending my money on "frivilous things." The only thing I ever buy myself anymore is CDs. I don't lavish in expensive clothing or other luxuries at all. It's Cds, and gas. That's ALL. Basically... Maybe when I go out to eat sometimes I'll use it... but not much other than that. So when she tells me to stop "wasting my money" I get a little ticked off. But it passes. I figure, "I'm making the money, I'm gonna spend it." Again, I don't go out wondering, "hm what should I spend my money on today??" I have a list of Cds I want, and I only buy like one or two when I go. And gas is pretty hefty these days. So yeah. I'm not a big spender. I save a LOT. That's how I have a lot right now. I'll hopefully be investing in a car sometime soon. My mom wants the Jimmy to last me to the end of college. Cha right. That's what I have to say to that. haha
Other than that I'm getting in as many hours as possible right now, and saving "almost" every penny I earn. I need a vacation...
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