Monday, April 16, 2007

Bad Ethics make for Good Days

I decided for the second time to skip out on my English Class. I made sure I had every assignment in that needed to be in and everything. There's really not too much reason for me not to go to this class, but some days, like today, I just don't feel like dealing with this teacher. Especially not with her methods. This'll be the last time though, because I can't miss more than 3 or my final grade will suffer. Plus I have a lot coming up in this class that I won't be able to afford missing.

However, I can afford to miss this class. So I think I will. :-)

I'm skipping my computer class before it also, but I've been to every class in there so I won't be missing a whole lot. Whatever. I wanted time to study for my Stat quiz later on today. Plus I have a project in my Management course I need to work on. I'm making a DVD and filming stuff for it. So that'll take a lot out of me.

This is me reassuring myself that it's "okay" to skip out on class every now and again. This is my again, so I won't be able to do much of it anymore. There's my reassurance. "Never again" - lol I had "Mental Health Days" back in high school, so I'll consider this one of them. ;-)

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