I remember learning to play the piano. I hated getting lessons. Each day that I'd go to Miss. Sarah's house to practice was a dread. I hated the method. The fingerings. The structure. I wanted to do it my own way. The problem with me was that I played by ear. So I heard things, and I could play them. I didn't want to see it in front of me. I just wanted to hear it. I was no prodogy or anything, but I was decent. I'm decent now. No expert, just good at playing what I hear.
I remember always being pretty logical in some of the crazy things I did when I was a kid. I used to eat bugs. Mainly ants. But I had a very specific reasoning behind doing so. The way I saw it was that people were born with a specific amount of blood in their bodies. You lose blood, you die a little. That's how I thought you died was when you ran out of blood. Being the sprite of a kid I was, I got cut and bruised a lot playing outside. So I thought I was dying faster than I should be because I was losing blood from all those cuts and bruises. My deduction from there was that if I got a source outside of my own body (bugs) for blood, I might live longer. Therefore, I ate bugs. I guess it makes a lot more sense of a 5 year old, but maybe I was just weird. I never ate worms or spiders or anything. Gross.
I also remember not being able to graspt the concept of gravity. I thought if you got on a trampoline, and you jumped on it too high, you'd get thrown out into outer space. I was scared of trampolines for a while, needless to say. I also thought that all the people on the other side of the world had their hair sticking up all day. I didn't know why things didn't float out of people's purses or why people didn't just fall off of the world. That's pretty understandable for a kid though.
I remember learning about Santa Claus and not having a fireplace. I kept asking if we should send Santa a key to our house so that he could just unlock the front door without bothering anyone. When they said he already had one, I told them that we should leave the door unlocket, just in case.
I also remember when I found out that Santa was fake. I stayed up all night to see if he really came at night. He never did. And there wasn't anything under the tree. So when I gave up and I was about to retreat to my room, I saw my parents coming from the basement with the presents and realized it was them the whole time. I wasn't bummed about it to my recollection, but I felt tricked about it.
When I was in the 4th grade I decided to see what my cat would do if I put it on a floatie in the middle of our pool. I found out that cats don't like water, and that parent's dont like it when you experiment with the family pets.
In the 2nd grade I was proposed to by Joey Tucker (my "first love.'). He wrote it on an index card and handed it to me. The card he wrote before that asked if I liked Elvis Presley. I still have both index cards, as well as verious other presents that Joey gave me. We broke up in the 3rd grade. lol He actually got in touch with me on myspace. He's now a rapper. i found that to be pretty funny.
I was always the kid who was left behind or lost wherever we went on vacation, or at the mall, or at the grocery store. It really didn't matter where we were, i would find some way to just get lost. One one particular vacation, my family left me on an elevator. I specifically remember this instant in my mind. I was in the back of the elevator and when my family scrambled to get off, the doors were closing, so I stepped back to let them. I wasn't about to get squished in between them. So here I was in the elevator. Alone. Just standing there. It goes up and down for a while. Random people talk to me, and ask me what I'm doing there by myself. I shrug my shoulders countless times until someone finally comes back for me.
Another thing I remember about silly things that I thought involved escalators. Those things scared me to death. I thought that if you didn't step off quick enough, or jump off of it, you'd get sucked under where those green lights are. If you didn't life up your feet, it would pull you in and you'd be trapped in some alternate dimension.
That'll be all for now. If I come up with more I'll put it on a different blog.
I'm such a clown!
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