Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I'm a freshman at Villa Julie college. Its a private college: pristine, nice campus, generally nice teachers, nice people, but when you sum all the nices up, it equals another opportunity to spend your nice savings on some nice textbooks to learn nice things that ultimately mean that I earned a nice degree in a nice field where I can do nice things with my time. Not so nice really. I feel like they sugar-coat everything with the "nice" to make you think it's worth all your sweet time.

In all honesty, college is paying thousands of dollars to earn a stupid piece of paper that says you can get a job in the "real world." However, this "real world" is always changing. There are so many things that people can do these days. And sometimes, it doesn't take that "stupid piece of paper" to get you there. For every career out there there's a college willing to convince you that it's where you should go to get the "best education." I do think that education is important, but I feel like I'm wasting time if a teacher just has me read a chapter a day and tests me on it at the end of the week. What am I learning here? Concepts or study habits?

I know that in time the classes will become more dynamic, more enriching, and more fullfilling for the career choice that I'm aiming for, but right now it's all so bland. And one thing that I really don't understand is how one curiicullum for every business major applies to the things that they should all be learning.

I'm probably being too critical right now, but I feel like this is all a ski trip or something. We're all at the bottom of the ski lift and they spend a year telling us about how to sit on the lift when what we should be learning is how to ski. The only way to learn is to do it! Don't tell me about the properties of snow. I know that already. Teach me the fun part. I dont want the basics. If that means I fall face first into the snow, so be it.

I'm pretty impatient with all this. Can't you tell????

I guess being anxious about the future and knowing what I want to do doesn't help much. I just want them to tell me how to do it, and where to start. I don't want to learn the ins and outs of microsoft word, and how the roles that individuals play in society help to shape the environment. That's not helping me.

I'll give it some time, and I'll wait it out. Because I do know that in the long run this helps...somehow. I'm just not seeing it in my big picture right now.

Who knows.

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