ASD - an acronym for "Anti-Social Decives" i.e. ipods, mp3 players, etc.
I personally love my ipod. Whenever you're in a really uncomfortable situation in which you'd rather jsut keep to yourself or not be bothered, the perfectly non-aggressive way to say so it so plug a set of ear phones in your head and look impartial to everything and everyone around you. This method generally works. It says, "I don't know you, and I don't want to." However, you'll get the occasional over-ambitious stranger who taps you on the shoulder and politely asks, "Hey! Whatcha listenin to?" The convenience of ipods is that you have a nice clear screen that displays the track name, the artist, and the album. It's therefore perfectly acceptable at this point to just lift the device from your pocket and reveal the screen to their curious eye. They may come back with, "Oh! Good choice!" or possibly "Not a fan," to which you reply with a nod and possibly a feined smile. Or you just pretend the music was too loud for you to understand what they said.
Another thing about ipods is that when you don't want to bother anyone but you want to be in the mix and mood with music streaming through your ears, to which you very emotionally connect to and feel pulsating into the core of your soul (... well, maybe that's just me... ), you just sit in your room, stare at the ceiling (mine is covered in glow in the dark stars that have been there for 3 years now), and zone out or just get lost in thought. It's almost Zen or something.
Ipods are amazing. Mine has 4,000 songs on it and it still doesn't seem like enough to me. Haha
So whether you're pretending to ignore the world, zoning out, thinking, or just enjoying yourself, ASDs are definitely one of the greatest inventions ever.
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