I am a girl of simple pleasures. Here are a few of them:
1. Text messages
2. Rainy days
3. Good conversation
4. Sneezing
5. Good friends that you know you can rely on no matter what
6. Laughing out loud
7. Being right
8. Learning something new
9. Being comfortable with myself
10. When you know someone is thinking about you
11. Surprises
12. Random presents (giving/receiving - im not a taker but i like randomness)
13. Not worrying about money. And then finding $10.00 on the ground.
14. Good bands
15. Good music
16. Making fun of gay bands like Hinder
17. Concerts
18. Good hair days
19. The boardwalk
20. Sunrises/sunsets
21. Almond Joys
22. No work on a Saturday night
23. Laughing at myself
24. Inside jokes
25. Irony
26. Painting
27. Waking up to a text message
28. When jeans fit perfectly
29. The one day of the week where everything is right in the world
30. Not being involved in politics/not really caring about them. It's a weight i don't really like on my shoulders. I'll keep up, i'll be informed, but I don't want to get into a heated debate with you on them. The government may run the world, but they don't run my life.
31. Walking barefoot on the beach
32. Midnight strolls on the beach
33. Pretty much anything on the beach ;-)
34. Star gazing
35. New shoes
36. New jewelry
37. New friends
38. Sunglasses on sunny days
39. Convertibles and blaring stereos
40. Staying out all night and crashing all day
41. Parties
42. Good dreams
43. Shopping
44. Compliments
45. When a stranger smiles at you - not in a creepy way, in a polite way
46. Purses
47. The smell of vanilla
48. The smell of flowers
49. Cologne
50. Midnight phone conversations
51. Playing the piano
52. The smell of laundry fresh from the dryer
53. Organizing my CD collection, buying like 10 more the next day and having to re-do the whole thing.
54. Taking pictures
55. Smiling
56. A good hug - the kind that means something. Either the "I missed you so much" hug, or the "I want you close to me" hug, or the "I dont want to leave/goodbye" hug or the "It's been forever and a day" hug. Other than that, there's no point. Greeting is courteous, but it's not a "good-hug"
57. Long goodbyes
58. Snow
59. Winter
60. Christmas
61. Hanging out doing nothing
62. Long car rides - with good company and good music
63. Cricket's churping
64. Clean cut grass
65. Sitting on rooftops
66. Skylines
67. Plans for the weekend
68. Going to the movies
69. Watching a good movie you've seen a million times
70. Sundresses and flip flops
71. Cream soda
72. Those songs that get stuck in your head for hours. - the good ones. not the annoying ones.
73. Board games - but you aren't bored. haha
74. Long naps
75. Long showers
76. Good food
77. Chicken
78. Quoting funny movies/comedians - not to where it's annoying but it's just enough to keep good conversation
79. Stealing glances
80. Winning an argument - rare for me.
81. Making up after an argument
82. Sincere apologies
83. Dancing in the rain
84. Being out in the rain in general
85. Falling asleep to the sound of rain. - i like rain.
86. Honesty
87. Dancing when no one else is around
88. Silly arguments
89. Winding roads
90. Driving without a destination
91. Running into someone you havent seen in forever
92. Perfect strangers
93. Polite people
94. M&Ms - plain ones
95. Considering the future
96. Being genuinely happy with myself
97. Accomplishing something
98. Sewing
99. Being good at a lot of things - im not being arrogant on this one, i just like being able to do a lot. it always means i have something to do. haha
100. Thinking about all the things that make me happy and smiling just considering each one. Like this. :-)