One of these days
I'll take the time to see you
I'll take the time to feel you
I'll take you.
Someday I might take what's mine
Use what's mine
Spend it. Feed it. Waste it all.
Whether I'm here for you or I
does it matter?
I'm here.
Take it how you will.
When we're all going to live and die
Is it up to you if I'm happy?
Is it up to you if I'm sad?
Do you care at all?
Condensation is the greatest give away
Whether it's on your skin or on the drink in your hand
You know you've been here too long
and you haven't taken one sip.
Tell the night it's yours to lose
Tell the morning to grow a face
Tell your folks you're sorry for screwing everything up
Tell the world you found your place
And if you ask me where I stand
ask me where I am
on falling in and out of love
on and life and living
on hope and caring and feeling
on trying and failing and wishful thinking
on trial and error and everything in between the crevices of known and unknown
on happiness
I'll get back to you.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
You know... I've come to realize that no one ever really "grows up" in the world. Maybe they appear to, but it's always just masked behind a job title, and occupation, a degree, a legacy, talent, fame, or money. I think people just don't know what "growing up" is, really. See, most people probably see it as the amount of money you make in a year, or possibly what you've accomplished, what you own, and how far you've come. Is it ever about the whole of someone's being? Does it ever encompass someone's history in relation to their beliefs about life and living now? Will it ever be about who they REALLY are, and not just about what they do on a day to day basis? I mean, a lot of people try to hide who they are in their work. I see politicians and I wonder what really goes through their heads. What do they think about, feel, all the deep dark things they hide from the public eye, for obvious reasons. Because they're also human.
Sure everyone makes mistakes, I mean we're only human. But in that sense, I guess it's safe to say no one is ever going to grow up. Because we're human. We can't help but give in to temptation now and then. Drink and be stupid on the weekends, curse the day, go out and wreak havoc on the world at night, watch a porno, smoke your lungs out, lie, cheat, steal, run away from your problems, experiment with drugs, think evil thoughts, disobey your parents, go out past curfew, break someone's heart, indulge yourself with food and lavish clothes and expensive things.
We're not all terrible people. But we're human, so we're all terrible. The world will never grow up.
Sure everyone makes mistakes, I mean we're only human. But in that sense, I guess it's safe to say no one is ever going to grow up. Because we're human. We can't help but give in to temptation now and then. Drink and be stupid on the weekends, curse the day, go out and wreak havoc on the world at night, watch a porno, smoke your lungs out, lie, cheat, steal, run away from your problems, experiment with drugs, think evil thoughts, disobey your parents, go out past curfew, break someone's heart, indulge yourself with food and lavish clothes and expensive things.
We're not all terrible people. But we're human, so we're all terrible. The world will never grow up.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
American Idol Winner
So it ended how I wanted it to. :-) I'm very very happy that both of them are sharing the limelight though, and that both of them get to make a record. I'll be purchasing both of them.
And Cook won by 12 MILLION votes! That's insane! I don't think that many people will be voting in the election this year... haha Anyway, it was a good fight, and a good win. And I'm happy for both of them. :-D
And Cook won by 12 MILLION votes! That's insane! I don't think that many people will be voting in the election this year... haha Anyway, it was a good fight, and a good win. And I'm happy for both of them. :-D
Monday, May 5, 2008
It's Cinco de Mayo!
My parents anniversary! Aww. I'm pretty sure they said it was good luck to have gotten married on this date. They're going out to dinner tonight, which means my sisters and I will have to figure out something to do in the meantime.... hmmmmm.....
In any case, it's really nice out today. A bit chilly, but that's ok with me. Some summer days should be sweatshirt friendly, and sweatpant optional. haha
Anyways... just killing time before work. It's gonna be a great week. I have 3 finals - one on Tuesday, and two on Thursday. And then I'm FREE FOR SUMMER!!! :-D Wee! Can't wait!
There's so much to do!
In any case, it's really nice out today. A bit chilly, but that's ok with me. Some summer days should be sweatshirt friendly, and sweatpant optional. haha
Anyways... just killing time before work. It's gonna be a great week. I have 3 finals - one on Tuesday, and two on Thursday. And then I'm FREE FOR SUMMER!!! :-D Wee! Can't wait!
There's so much to do!
AC Moore is moving??
The AC Moore that I work at is relocating this June, and it's projected to open on the 12th, I think. In any case, it's got a lot of people grumbling about "driving so much further" to get there. I'm not complaining though. It's gonna be half the trip for me now. What was once a 10 minute commute to work, just became 5! Woo!
Very exciting - especially with gas prices so high these days.
In case you were wondering, my job there is floral designer. It's a lot of fun. I enjoy it a lot. A talent I didn't know I had in me. ha. And it's the busy season - weddings galore. Doing all this work is really worth it to me though - I've learned a lot, and it just means I'm gonna have one heck of a spectacular wedding. Haha (not that I'm in any hurry to do so. I'm just sayin it's gonna be very pretty. ha)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Stop and Smell the Future
Right now I'm feeling incredibly optimistic about the future. I realize people are all talking about how the economy is falling, and all the issues going on surrounding that, the presidential campaign, etc etc etc... But all in all, I'm a happy person.
Love my job, love where things are going, love my family, friends old and new, the sun is out, its a beautiful day, and I'm gonna take things as they come. :-)
Needless to say, I'm in quite a good mood today, and the future is looking bright. I have a lot going for me, and I'm not gonna take one bit of it for granted.
Love my job, love where things are going, love my family, friends old and new, the sun is out, its a beautiful day, and I'm gonna take things as they come. :-)
Needless to say, I'm in quite a good mood today, and the future is looking bright. I have a lot going for me, and I'm not gonna take one bit of it for granted.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Rising Gas Prices=Major controversy
I've gotten to the point where the pump stops itself at $50.00 automatically and can't fill my tank all the way. The amount we spend on gas every week adds up really quickly these days as the prices of oil skyrocket in the exporting countries. I decided to do a little research on the matter though. Because the US isn't the only subject to rising prices in oil.
With the rising prices in gas, American's consume much less than they would if we were in a recession and actually had expendable income. We don't go out to eat as much, don't take that trip to the movies, or the mall... A lot of people have jobs that require quite a bit of a commute, and their choice is basically drive, cram onto a crowded bus/train/other public transportation, or walk. Which would you chose?
Oil by the barrel is now over $113 and is about to go up to $120 a barrel. The US dollar's recent gain in value came on the basis of the fed's interest rate cuts - which tend to weaken it. So now we expect that the dollar will fall to this inevitable standard, and it will ultimately become weaker and weaker. Lots of people think that the weakness of the dollar has a bigger impact on all of this than supply and demand, which I think is largely true.
In Maui, Hawaii, gas has averaged at $4 a gallon. California leads the nation with an average of 3.75 a gallon, and the Energy Department believes it could be averaging at $4 a gallon this summer.
In relation to the US dollar, the country that spends the most for gas is the Netherlands at a whopping $6.48 a gallon. The least goes to Venezuela at only .12 cents a gallon. I suppose they don't drive as often.
All in all, I think prices will do what they want to. I won't complain as long as I have so much to be thankful for anyway. Count your blessings people. You have clothes on your back, and a place to call home, family, friends, and tomorrow waiting for ya. :-)
With the rising prices in gas, American's consume much less than they would if we were in a recession and actually had expendable income. We don't go out to eat as much, don't take that trip to the movies, or the mall... A lot of people have jobs that require quite a bit of a commute, and their choice is basically drive, cram onto a crowded bus/train/other public transportation, or walk. Which would you chose?
Oil by the barrel is now over $113 and is about to go up to $120 a barrel. The US dollar's recent gain in value came on the basis of the fed's interest rate cuts - which tend to weaken it. So now we expect that the dollar will fall to this inevitable standard, and it will ultimately become weaker and weaker. Lots of people think that the weakness of the dollar has a bigger impact on all of this than supply and demand, which I think is largely true.
In Maui, Hawaii, gas has averaged at $4 a gallon. California leads the nation with an average of 3.75 a gallon, and the Energy Department believes it could be averaging at $4 a gallon this summer.
In relation to the US dollar, the country that spends the most for gas is the Netherlands at a whopping $6.48 a gallon. The least goes to Venezuela at only .12 cents a gallon. I suppose they don't drive as often.
All in all, I think prices will do what they want to. I won't complain as long as I have so much to be thankful for anyway. Count your blessings people. You have clothes on your back, and a place to call home, family, friends, and tomorrow waiting for ya. :-)
Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana
Uh oh, another Disney phenomenon has been caught in the Hollywood scandals list as Miley Cyrus posts nude pics of herself (or someone else posted them). Either way, she's getting beef from the Disney corporation. I heard they won't take her back for it, and honestly, I don't blame them. Why risk tainting your name? Although arguably, their mission statement is to "make people happy" and that might've made a quite different (and somewhat cradle robberish) crowd very happy. haha Didn't make me happy, but I like to see things on more than one side. (that's what she said)
In any case, is this going to be the downfall for all Disney artists? I don't know when this became the "in" thing to do, but I should think people have more decency than that. Or I like to think they do.
Oh well... guess it's time to bid farewell to the pop-stars moment in the limelight. I wasn't a fan either way. She has a weird look to her. "Pretty"? Sure, in a 10-year-old kind of way. She has a bit of a speech impediment that bothers me. I'm somewhat envious that someone could become so big from such a small show, but I guess that's Hollywood/stardom for you. Her music is less than typical, style is overplayed, voice is "eh", and her mannerisms speak nothing short of "I get what I want." Maybe a nice kid, but do "nice kids" pose naked? Nah... Only attention crazed stars do.
But that's just my take on it.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
End of the Semester Blues
I'm at a stage in my life where all the pieces seem to be connecting one after the other, and I have to detach myself from that. I have a stable job, with awesome new friends, some "potentials", I'm getting really good grades this semester, I finished re-doing my room (well mostly finished), I'm a Sunday School teacher and that's working out really well, things are just "connecting."
The detachment I'm referring to is transferring this fall. It's been on my mind for a while now and I'm 90% sure I'm gonna do it.
Things are going pretty well. I’m doing all right.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I think entirely too much, and don’t act often enough with my heart. My gut has the wrong idea, pretty much all the time. I just need to chill out and appreciate things. It’s awful.
I’m stressing over silly things too... which im teaching myself little by little to not do. I over-react and it ends up biting me in the butt with repercussions... and it makes me think things are so much worse than they really are.
But all in all...everything’s really good. I like my job, the work anyway, and I like where things look, or seem to be going.
More likely than not, I’m moving to Ohio this fall for school. I think it’s gonna be a really good thing for me to just get away, and live somewhere else for a while. I’ll come back, hopefully changed in more ways than one, and kind of start fresh. I don’t intent to live in Maryland, or at least not this part of it anyway... Staying in one place doesn’t sound like the "me" I know right now. The "me" I’m figuring out is restless, and not at all content with anything... So it’s time to break out of the comfort zone. do something different. And for me. Not for anyone else. I need to stop basing things I do/say on the opinions of everyone/everything around me... start just "being."
I’m not gonna go "Into the wild" on everyone and just disappear completely, but I need to do something along the lines of figuring out who I am. I know that sounds entirely cliche, but I don’t even care. It’s the truth. And that’s all I’m up for right now.
So with that... I’m happy to say I can’t wait to figure out who that is.
I’ll be here all summer, and working up until the point that I actually move out to Ohio, and until then I also hope to hang out with as many of you (that I want to) as I physically can. Soooo.... yeah. Thats all I guess.
The detachment I'm referring to is transferring this fall. It's been on my mind for a while now and I'm 90% sure I'm gonna do it.
Things are going pretty well. I’m doing all right.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I think entirely too much, and don’t act often enough with my heart. My gut has the wrong idea, pretty much all the time. I just need to chill out and appreciate things. It’s awful.
I’m stressing over silly things too... which im teaching myself little by little to not do. I over-react and it ends up biting me in the butt with repercussions... and it makes me think things are so much worse than they really are.
But all in all...everything’s really good. I like my job, the work anyway, and I like where things look, or seem to be going.
More likely than not, I’m moving to Ohio this fall for school. I think it’s gonna be a really good thing for me to just get away, and live somewhere else for a while. I’ll come back, hopefully changed in more ways than one, and kind of start fresh. I don’t intent to live in Maryland, or at least not this part of it anyway... Staying in one place doesn’t sound like the "me" I know right now. The "me" I’m figuring out is restless, and not at all content with anything... So it’s time to break out of the comfort zone. do something different. And for me. Not for anyone else. I need to stop basing things I do/say on the opinions of everyone/everything around me... start just "being."
I’m not gonna go "Into the wild" on everyone and just disappear completely, but I need to do something along the lines of figuring out who I am. I know that sounds entirely cliche, but I don’t even care. It’s the truth. And that’s all I’m up for right now.
So with that... I’m happy to say I can’t wait to figure out who that is.
I’ll be here all summer, and working up until the point that I actually move out to Ohio, and until then I also hope to hang out with as many of you (that I want to) as I physically can. Soooo.... yeah. Thats all I guess.
Who do I want to win American Idol?
For a while I was rooting for the David Archuleta craze. He's young, cute, and a phenomenal singer. However, his demographic is definitely the teeny-boppers who want that up-beat pop style with a cute face attached to it. Then David Cook stuck in my head. He's hot, he's a good singer, and he's got the style I fall in love with at the first chord.

That said, I think both artists have their given place and time. It's a matter of which place and time you are, or like. So I'm sticking with my guns and voting for David Cook to win the show. And if not, we have some great new artists on the rise either way.
I must say this season has been talent-packed, and I think the top 10 could all get solo careers out of the show. (Lucky...)
Sing on David Archuleta, we all know you'll be the next John Mayer either way.
I could be wrong though - Archuleta might have a big enough fan base to win the show, but David Cook has my heart. <3
That said, I think both artists have their given place and time. It's a matter of which place and time you are, or like. So I'm sticking with my guns and voting for David Cook to win the show. And if not, we have some great new artists on the rise either way.
I must say this season has been talent-packed, and I think the top 10 could all get solo careers out of the show. (Lucky...)
Sing on David Archuleta, we all know you'll be the next John Mayer either way.
I could be wrong though - Archuleta might have a big enough fan base to win the show, but David Cook has my heart. <3
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