Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Take over


There's a good chance this means absolutely nothing
and a better chance you won't even read it.
So, why bother pouring out the thoughts and afflictions,
remedies and cures,
that plague my dreams and aspirations
when they're not what I need?

What I need is a sign.
I need something to touch me.

Evil thoughts wreak havoc on innocent souls.
Possess the world.
So much for peace.

Forget it.
It's not even realistic.
Quit dreaming.
Wake up.

Something's wrong with everything
Something's wrong with everyone

So what is real?
What is pure?
What is holy?
What is right?
What is love?
What is hate?
Who are we?

How do we defer the good from the bad
the happy from things that make us turn away in horror

When it all comes down to it...
What is anything at all?

Life is a blink, a smile, a drink.
Hope your eyes were beautiful
Hope your smile was lovely
Hope it tasted good...

While it lasted.

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