Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hannah the Guitar HERO!

Here's my sister's attempt at playing guitar hero:

Hot Rod Circuit - Farewell Tour

Video I got of them in DC at the Rock and Roll Hotel.

Arrested Development


I was sad to find out that there were only three seasons made from this show. It's utterly hilarious. I recommend it to anyone who has a sense of humor. The directing and the scripts are definitely something to be noted. Ron Howard is probably one of my favorite directors of all time. He also narrates the show.

I won't detail on the subject matter other than note that it's fall-out-of-your-chair-laughing funny. So go buy all three seasons. Now!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My wall


Not finished yet.

New favorite flower:

The magnolia. I actually figured that one out a few months ago when i started my new job, but I thought I'd update it because as far as you all know I like chrysanthemums. haha


Take over


There's a good chance this means absolutely nothing
and a better chance you won't even read it.
So, why bother pouring out the thoughts and afflictions,
remedies and cures,
that plague my dreams and aspirations
when they're not what I need?

What I need is a sign.
I need something to touch me.

Evil thoughts wreak havoc on innocent souls.
Possess the world.
So much for peace.

Forget it.
It's not even realistic.
Quit dreaming.
Wake up.

Something's wrong with everything
Something's wrong with everyone

So what is real?
What is pure?
What is holy?
What is right?
What is love?
What is hate?
Who are we?

How do we defer the good from the bad
the happy from things that make us turn away in horror

When it all comes down to it...
What is anything at all?

Life is a blink, a smile, a drink.
Hope your eyes were beautiful
Hope your smile was lovely
Hope it tasted good...

While it lasted.

Sure Fire Thing

I got to thinking about "sure fire things" for some reason. The "safe move" - "easy way out" kinda thing.

Human beings thrive for things that are known - no need for explanation, just see and do. There's no question in math or logic. The sun will rise and set, the earth will revolve around the sun in a matter of 365 days give or take a few hours til daylight savings, and we'll go through four seasons every year, breathing the same air, and living out the lives we set for ourselves. We love less controversy than more (though the media begs the question to defer from that logic), and we enjoy seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

As much as you might say, "wait, no. There's definitely a joy in not knowing certain things" - and I can see that too, agree, and also, disagree. What we claim to be "joy in the unknown" is really just anxiety, worry, fear, etc that we trick ourselves into thinking its "good" or "joy".

No... you're scared out of your mind. The future is unpredictable - with the exception of the stock market, the economy, and other things like the weather, but each of those also has an "element of surprise."

But what I mean is, we ask ourselves questions like,

"what do i want to do with my life?"
"where will I be in 10 years? 5 years? 1 year? tomorrow?"
"what's in store for me?"
on and on it goes...

That's something you can think about, predict, and plan out, but lets face it, we have no idea. None. And that in and of itself, is scary.

What if I die tomorrow? What if I'm not successful? What if I'm not happy?


I think about those questions a lot. But not just about me, about people around me too. Family, friends, strangers, homeless people - do you wonder what they think about? Whether or not there's any mentality where they're thinking "this can't be all I'm here for" when they curl up on a bench or a shelter and fall asleep? (i realize im being stereotypical, but there are more people living like that than we know...and I figure you get my point.

But then you think about "sure fire things" - and it's a complete contradiction. Because in reality, is there any such thing at all?

Are we ever sure? Is there ever no shadow of doubt? No question in our minds?


And that,

is my "sure-fire" logic.

*****Just a side note though - I have no doubt that people are very ambitious creatures who strive for good things in life (and have good anxiety about it) because my first perception of people is good before its bad. There's a definite flaw in thinking there, I'm sure. What can i say, I'm naive. Anyway.. I'm not trying to make people feel bad or scared about the future. I'm just making notes of thoughts I think about a lot. Agree, disagree, whatever. It's just the way my head is working at this given moment.