You ever wonder about the people who got stuck with jobs like cardboard box production? I feel bad for those people. It's like, I consider them to all have such great potential. Or atleast I hope they do... And then you think, "well if no one made cardboard boxes, we'd run out of them." Where would we be without cardboard boxes? And it's not all about cardboard. What about toothbrush production? Toothpicks? Tires? All the sticker labels that go on everything? Street signs? Anything that we take for granted, you know? Who makes all that? Garbage cans. Paper and pencils. CD cases. Lightbulbs.
Although...we all know where all that stuff is made: China, Japan, and Taiwan.
Do you ever think that they think Americans are crazy for half the stuff we get produced over there? What do you think they all thought the first time they saw "Spongebob Squarepants" coming down the production line? lol I dont know. I think about stuff like that.
And then you start thinking about all the labor done by like children and stuff, and it makes you really sad. :-( I wont talk about that though. Too sad.
But back to what I was saying earlier, what if all those people just decided they didn't want to make lightbulbs anymore? What if someone said, "I'm done working at the tic-tac factory!" And all the people who make the machinery for factories that make the cardboard boxes. What if they stopped making it? Stopped designing it? Fixing it at all? I know my points aren't very valid. I'm just thinking abstractly and randomly. So take it with a grain of salt that I'm extremely bored, and tired.
I'm gonna take a nap now. I hope you liked my "points" if I had any. haha
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