I don't think I'm into any specific type of guy. All the guys I've liked in the past have ranged from religious, to punk rockers, to skate boarders, to stoners. Except that when I found out the one guy was a stoner I stopped liking him. haha That said I don't know that there's any specific personality that i like. It's more or less what they do and don't do that matters to me. All the rest doesn't really mean much. So here's a list of things that I think I like, or that I'm attracted to. Usually I don't like making lists like this, because I don't want people to model themselves after it just so that I'm impressed, you know? But so far I haven't had that be a problem. ha
So here goes nothin:
1. Cologne - in moderation. I like it when a guy smells clean. If you wear cologne, don't make it because you're covering up a "bad smell." Make it because you're accenting your already fresh scent and want others to take notice in a good way. From my standing on cologne, less is MORE. (Curve is nice. I almost bought it so that I could smell like that because I loved it so much. but I didn't. Thought it would be a little awkward. haha)
2. Clothes - I don't really care what style you prefer, but I like it when your clothes fit you. Too tight isn't good unless you look good in tight clothing. If that is the case, the tighter the better. haha jk. Too tight is never good. But I like clothes to fit. Baggy just looks tacky and lazy.
3. Gentlemen - I really appreciate kind gestures by guys. I always notice them too. Holding open doors, paying for movies, pulling out chairs, etc. That's not to say that I'm going to expect it all the time, or that I'm going to harp on you for not doing those things. But I will always think in my head, "Aw how sweet" after you do it. I do that kind of thing for other people too, so I won't be selfish and make you always pay, or make you do things for me. It's just something I like. I won't look for it, or expect it though. Just know that I notice kind gestures. :-)
4. Smiles - I really like when I'm talking to someone, and they smile. Or they keep eye contact with me. It makes me feel really comfortable and like I know you want to be there talking with me. If you're looking off somewhere else, or have your arms crossed and you don't seem interested, I'm going to think that I'm not worth your time. Then I make myself feel bad. That doesn't mean you have to pay attention to me all the time. It just means that if I'm talking to you, I don't want to think you aren't listening.
5. When I know they're thinking about me - this could mean basically anything. Just anything that says, "Hey I was thinking about you" is going to make me really excited and happy about it. Be creative. I always am, and I always try to do this kind of thing without over stepping boundaries or making anything seem like "too much."
6. Taste in music - anyone that I'm interested in now has to have good taste in music. It doesn't matter what for the most part, just as long as we share interests in that subject. I like arguing over specifics when it comes to music because I've acquired a pretty good opinion when it comes to what "good music" is. So if we have differences, it's not to say I won't appreciate or get used to them. Just be prepared for a little argument here and there.
7. Flirting - I'll never be the first to flirt. That is with anything. In conversation, in physical contact, I don't know whatever else.. But there's something about me where I can never bring myself to just come out and say or do something. Just know I'll want you to. In moderation though. Don't take away the fun of it by doing it ALL the time. Here and there is good. I'm ticklish everywhere so don't take advantage of that too often. lol Just as long as I can get you back for it.
8. Religious view - I'm a Christian. I don't think everyone I'm interested should have to be. I want you to have an opinion on God though. Anything. I won't try to change your mind, or convert you, but I want you to respect the fact that I do have faith in God. Thanks.
9. Sense of humor - I like when guys are funny. I love laughing. You don't have to be a comedian, but I need you to atleast have enough of a sense of humor that if we're watching a funny movie, you can laugh at stupid things, or laugh at yourself when you do something stupid, or laugh at things I say and do that are funny so that I can laugh with you. I don't need someone to be serious all the time. Just know when to be, and when to loosen up.
10. Height - I want someone who's taller than me. Not saying I couldn't fall for someone shorter, but it's my general rule of thumb that he's gotta be taller than me.
11. Hair - length doesn't matter to me. As long as it looks good on you.
12. Animals - they have to like cats, or be able to deal with them if they don't. I can deal with dogs, but I dont like them and they scare me most of the time.
13. Artistic/creative - if you're neither of these things, you need to have atleast some kind of appreciation for it. I would love it though if you have some kind of creative disposition or the ability to see things in different ways. It'll give us a lot to talk about.
14. Hobbies - have some. Convo topics. Common interests. Uncommon interests. Anything. I just want to know that there are things you do besides eating and sleeping.
15. Intelligent - I dated a guy who thought I used big words when I said "intellect" and "ambiguous." I'm glad though because atleast I knew he was an idiot after that. I don't think they need to be a genius, but they definitely need to be atleast to my level or more intelligent than I am. Hopefully more though. There are a lot of things I don't understand. And I'm pretty naiive.
16. Timing - Never be late. Have a reason if you are. I'm always on time, or early. More than likely early. But I always have a reason if I'm late.
17. Honest - Don't lie to me. If you do, then make it for something that wouldn't matter either way, or that I really don't need to know the truth about. Just be honest. Be open too. Confide in me for things. I'm not a gossip. I like to know that you can trust me with information, and it would make me a lot more comfortable to share the less comfortable things in my life with you.
18. Literate - be somewhat literate, or read books of some kind. lol
19. Shy - I like shy guys. Don't be too shy though. We'll probably never talk. haha I'm pretty shy myself, so I like being able to relate with that. It makes me less uncomfortable about guys if they're feeling the way I am.
20. Dating - it doesn't have to mean eternity from day one. It can be comfortable. Casual. Just don't expect me to spend all of my time with you, or want to. You have your friends, I'll have mine, and we can have in betweens. You can cancel plans with me to hang out with a friend you haven't seen in forever and a day. I'll understand. I'm not selfish and I'm extremely patient. Just don't be clingy or cancel on me every time I try to hang out with or go out with you. My ex was clingy. Hence "ex." haha So you don't have to call EVERY night, and we don't have to go out EVERY weekend. Just save room for me on occasion. That's what dating should be.
So those are just a few things. Always open for interpretation and changes. Whatever. There's no set rules for me when it comes to what I look for, so that could always fluxuate. That and I haven't really dated much, so it's not like I could have a really strong opinion about it. haha